
What if Trump loses but insists he won?..

  Harold Wilson was right that ‘a week is a long time in politics.’ But, hey,   watching the president in Grand Rapids   the other night, and taking a gander at some   recent polls , I am willing to ascend pretty high up the old backyard oak, shimmy along a well placed branch and say, with confidence if not quite certainty, that Donald Trump will win the 2020 presidential election, and win handily. But, but   The New York Times ,   The Washington Post , Chris Matthews, James Comey, John Brennan, Cher, CNN, those pathetic females on   The View , college professors across the country, George Conway, Maxine Waters, Mad Max Boot, Twitter-addled Bill Kristol and writers for his novelty web site   The Bulsomething   all tell me that’s impossible. A formidable phalanx of contrary opinion. Still, I will bear up under the onslaught, even if the aspiring comic   Kathy Griffin   shows up with a bucket full of decapitated Trump dolls and Madonn...



welcoming to Great America..

Last night, the mainstream media was left scratching their heads, wondering how they could have missed the upset of Hillary Clinton by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. What they failed to realize was the anger across America among the silent majority, who are fed up with seeing jobs leave the country while Washington squanders taxpayers’ money on war. .. The raucous and fast-paced 2016 presidential election is finally over and the results are in: Donald Trump, the renegade billionaire turned populist GOP nominee, won the 2016 election, locking up several key swing states including Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Trump also secured a victory in Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Carolina, and Georgia, states that were viewed as crucial to this year’s presidential election. Overall, Trump dominated. With 270 electoral college votes required to attain the presidency, Trump won 290 compared to Clinton’s 232.. Trump’s unorthodox campaign paid off tremendously, as his ...

What if Trump loses but insists he won?..

Last night, the mainstream media was left scratching their heads, wondering how they could have missed the upset of Hillary Clinton by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. What they failed to realize was the anger across America among the silent majority, who are fed up with seeing jobs leave the country while Washington squanders taxpayers’ money on war. .. The raucous and fast-paced 2016 presidential election is finally over and the results are in: Donald Trump, the renegade billionaire turned populist GOP nominee, won the 2016 election, locking up several key swing states including Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Trump also secured a victory in Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Carolina, and Georgia, states that were viewed as crucial to this year’s presidential election. Overall, Trump dominated. With 270 electoral college votes required to attain the presidency, Trump won 290 compared to Clinton’s 232.. Trump’s unorthodox campaign paid off tremendou...

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Does Trump’s Silent Majority still exist in 2020? A new Rasmussen Poll claims it still does....

Many mainstream media polls still claim Joe Biden is going to win in November. But what about the much-lauded “Silent Majority”? In 2016, many Trump supporters refused to talk to pollsters or tell them who they were really voting for. Are they still around today? Rasmussen has been trying to get to the bottom of this, and they think they have an answer: Trump voters appear to be hiding their vote again this election cycle. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 17% of Likely U.S. Voters who Strongly Approve of the job President Trump is doing say they are less likely to let others know how they intend to vote in the upcoming election. By comparison, just half as many (8%) of those who Strongly Disapprove of the president’s performance say the same. According to a survey conducted by Rasmussen, a percentage of voters who approve of Trump are less likely to let others know who they will vote for. That’s consistent with wha...

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