What if Trump loses but insists he won?..
Last night, the mainstream media was left scratching their heads, wondering how they could have missed the upset of Hillary Clinton by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. What they failed to realize was the anger across America among the silent majority, who are fed up with seeing jobs leave the country while Washington squanders taxpayers’ money on war...
The raucous and fast-paced 2016 presidential election is finally over and the results are in: Donald Trump, the renegade billionaire turned populist GOP nominee, won the 2016 election, locking up several key swing states including Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Trump also secured a victory in Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Carolina, and Georgia, states that were viewed as crucial to this year’s presidential election. Overall, Trump dominated. With 270 electoral college votes required to attain the presidency, Trump won 290 compared to Clinton’s 232..
Trump’s unorthodox campaign paid off tremendously, as his social media presence, huge rallies and public events, and online supporters paved the way for his victory.
To his credit, Trump was shunned by the GOP and “conservative” establishment, particularly the neocon faction that has dominated the party for decades. Several establishment conservative political pundits and politicians even went so far as to support Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in protest of Trump.
Trump’s campaign skillfully outmaneuvered the entire political establishment, including members of his own party.
This election can accurately be described as a referendum on the future of America as a sovereign nation-state and, indeed, the future of Western civilization itself. Finally, after repeated setbacks and losses, the nationalists won...
Nearly every public policy proposal championed by Trump is opposed to the forces of globalism and the New World Order. Trump gained immediate attention with his harsh—yet entirely accurate—critiques of American immigration policy and its systematic failure to enforce federal immigration laws.
Trump has also been a major critic of NAFTA and so-called “free trade” deals championed and promoted by the forces of globalism, including their bought-and-paid-for politicians.
His stance on the Second Amendment, free speech, and support for law enforcement and the rule of law generally gave him a tremendous advantage among law enforcement professionals, active duty military members, and veterans...
His America-first foreign and economic policies resonated deeply with the American people, and it showed during the election.
Despite its best efforts, the hostile mainstream mass media could not derail Trump’s campaign. Throughout the election season, Trump was the recipient of an unending barrage of hostile media coverage, fabricated scandals, and dishonest reporting and analysis on a daily basis. If this election proved anything, it’s that the mass media is totally out of touch with mainstream America. It is entirely corrupt and works to serve and advance the interests of the corrupt political and economic establishment while deceiving, manipulating, and programming the American public.
Assuming Trump sticks to his campaign promises, his victory is a major step in the right direction for nationalists and populists who care about the future of America, its sovereignty as a nation-state, the rule of law, and the economic prospects and well-being of the American worker and taxpayer...
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