What if Trump loses but insists he won?..
Harold Wilson was right that ‘a week is a long time in politics.’ But, hey, watching the president in Grand Rapids the other night, and taking a gander at some recent polls , I am willing to ascend pretty high up the old backyard oak, shimmy along a well placed branch and say, with confidence if not quite certainty, that Donald Trump will win the 2020 presidential election, and win handily. But, but The New York Times , The Washington Post , Chris Matthews, James Comey, John Brennan, Cher, CNN, those pathetic females on The View , college professors across the country, George Conway, Maxine Waters, Mad Max Boot, Twitter-addled Bill Kristol and writers for his novelty web site The Bulsomething all tell me that’s impossible. A formidable phalanx of contrary opinion. Still, I will bear up under the onslaught, even if the aspiring comic Kathy Griffin shows up with a bucket full of decapitated Trump dolls and Madonn...